
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


AbstractRestAPI - Class in server
AbstractRestAPI(Vertx, int, String) - Constructor for class server.AbstractRestAPI
AbstractStatisticManager - Class in repository
AbstractStatisticManager() - Constructor for class repository.AbstractStatisticManager
addCard(Card<CardValue, CardSuit>, String) - Method in interface game.Trick
add a card played by a player
addCard(Card<CardValue, CardSuit>, String) - Method in class game.TrickImpl
addCard(Card<CardValue, CardSuit>, String, Boolean) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
Adds the card if the trick is not completed, otherwise it adds the card to a new trick and updates the current state
addTrick(Trick) - Method in class game.GameSchema
addUser(User) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
ALREADY_JOINED - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
AppServer - Class in server
AppServer() - Constructor for class server.AppServer
askService(JsonObject, HttpMethod, String) - Method in class server.AbstractRestAPI
askServiceWithFuture(JsonObject, HttpMethod, String, CompletableFuture<JsonObject>) - Method in class server.AbstractRestAPI
askServiceWithFutureNoBody(HttpMethod, String, CompletableFuture<JsonObject>) - Method in class server.AbstractRestAPI
AUTHOR - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants


balancedTeams() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
BLManagment - package BLManagment
broadcastToEveryoneWithRetry(String, int, int) - Method in class server.WebSocketVertx
BusinessLogicController - Class in BLManagment
BusinessLogicController(Vertx, GameService, int, String) - Constructor for class BLManagment.BusinessLogicController
BUSSO - Enum constant in enum class game.Call


Call - Enum Class in game
An enum with the values of the calls in the game
CALL - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
CAN_START - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
CAN_START_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
canPlayCard(Card<CardValue, CardSuit>, String) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
canPlayCard(UUID, String, Card<CardValue, CardSuit>, Boolean) - Method in class game.service.GameService
canStart() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
canStart(int) - Method in interface game.GameApi
canStart(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
canStart(UUID) - Method in class game.service.GameService
CanStartResponse - Class in game.service.schema
CanStartResponse() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.CanStartResponse
Card<X,Y> - Record Class in game
A record modelling the concept of "card"
Card(CardValue, CardSuit) - Constructor for record class game.Card
Creates an instance of a Card record class.
CARD_SUIT - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
CARD_VALUE - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
CARDS_ON_HAND - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
CARDS_ON_HAND_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
CARDS_ON_TABLE - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
CARDS_ON_TABLE_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
CardsOnHandResponse - Class in game.service.schema
CardsOnHandResponse() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.CardsOnHandResponse
CardsOnTableResponse - Class in game.service.schema
CardsOnTableResponse() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.CardsOnTableResponse
cardSuit() - Method in record class game.Card
Returns the value of the cardSuit record component.
CardSuit - Enum Class in game
An enum with the cards' suits
cardValue() - Method in record class game.Card
Returns the value of the cardValue record component.
CardValue - Enum Class in game
An enum with the values of the cards
CHANGE_TEAM - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
CHANGE_TEAM_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
changeTeam(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
changeTeam(String, String, Integer) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
a player change a team
changeTeam(UUID, String, String, Integer) - Method in class game.service.GameService
ChangeTeamBody - Class in game.service.schema
ChangeTeamBody() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.ChangeTeamBody
ChatController - Class in chatModule
The ChatController class is used for managing chat operations through its APIs.
ChatController(Vertx, WebSocketVertx, GameServiceDecorator) - Constructor for class chatModule.ChatController
ChatMessageBody - Class in chatModule.schema
ChatMessageBody() - Constructor for class chatModule.schema.ChatMessageBody
chatModule - package chatModule
chatModule.schema - package chatModule.schema
ChatService - Class in chatModule
The ChatService class extends AbstractRestAPI and utilizes the Vertx framework for handling chat-related functionalities.
ChatService(Vertx, WebSocketVertx, Map<UUID, GameVerticle>) - Constructor for class chatModule.ChatService
checkMaraffa() - Method in class BLManagment.BusinessLogicController
checkPasword(String) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
checkPlayCard() - Method in class BLManagment.BusinessLogicController
CHOOSE_TRUMP - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
CHOOSE_TRUMP_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
chooseSuit(int, CardSuit) - Method in interface game.GameApi
chooseTrump(CardSuit) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
chooseTrump(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
chooseTrump(UUID, String, String) - Method in class game.service.GameService
ChooseTrumpBody - Class in game.service.schema
ChooseTrumpBody() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.ChooseTrumpBody
CLASSIC - Enum constant in enum class game.GameMode
clearIsSuitFinished() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
clientID() - Method in record class game.service.User
Returns the value of the clientID record component.
CLOSED - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
CLUBS - Enum constant in enum class game.CardSuit
COINS - Enum constant in enum class game.CardSuit
COINS_4 - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
COINS_4_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
COINS_4_USERNAME - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
computeScore(int[], int[], Map<String, String>, String, String, List<Boolean>, UUID, int) - Method in class BLManagment.BusinessLogicController
configurationRouter(Vertx) - Method in class httpRest.RouterConfig
Constants - Class in game.utils
Constants() - Constructor for class game.utils.Constants
Controller - Class in httpRest
Controller(GameServiceDecorator, UserController, ChatController) - Constructor for class httpRest.Controller
CREATE_GAME - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
CREATE_GAME_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
createGame(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
createGame(Integer, User, int, String) - Method in class game.service.GameService
createGame(String, int, int, GameMode) - Method in interface game.GameApi
create a game and username is one of the players
CreateGameBody - Class in game.service.schema
CreateGameBody() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.CreateGameBody
createRecord(GameSchema) - Method in class repository.AbstractStatisticManager
createRecord(GameSchema) - Method in class repository.MongoStatisticManager
CUPS - Enum constant in enum class game.CardSuit
currentScore() - Method in record class game.Team
Returns the value of the currentScore record component.


DECK - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants


ELEVEN_ZERO_SCORE - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
ELEVEN2ZERO - Enum constant in enum class game.GameMode
END_GAME - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
END_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
END_ROUND - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
ENDED - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
endGameHandler(JsonObject) - Method in class userModule.UserService
endRoundByMistake(boolean) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
Set the team who lose the game because of a mistake
equals(Object) - Method in class chatModule.schema.ChatMessageBody
equals(Object) - Method in class chatModule.schema.NotificationBody
equals(Object) - Method in record class game.Card
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class game.service.GameCount
equals(Object) - Method in class game.service.schema.CanStartResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class game.service.schema.ChangeTeamBody
equals(Object) - Method in class game.service.schema.ChooseTrumpBody
equals(Object) - Method in class game.service.schema.CreateGameBody
equals(Object) - Method in class game.service.schema.IsRoundEndedResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class game.service.schema.JoinGameBody
equals(Object) - Method in class game.service.schema.NewGameBody
equals(Object) - Method in class game.service.schema.PasswordBody
equals(Object) - Method in class game.service.schema.PlayCardBody
equals(Object) - Method in class game.service.schema.RemoveUserBody
equals(Object) - Method in class game.service.schema.StartBody
equals(Object) - Method in class game.service.schema.StateResponse
equals(Object) - Method in record class game.service.User
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class game.Team
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class game.utils.Pair
equals(Object) - Method in record class server.InGameUser
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class userModule.schema.UserLoginSchema
equals(Object) - Method in class userModule.schema.UserRegisterSchema
ERROR - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
EXIT_GAME - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
exitGame(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
exitGame(UUID) - Method in class game.service.GameService
EXPECTED_SCORE - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants


fetchUserInfo(RoutingContext) - Method in class userModule.UserController
FIVE - Enum constant in enum class game.CardValue
FOUR - Enum constant in enum class game.CardValue
fromUppercaseString(String) - Static method in enum class game.Call
fromValue(int) - Static method in enum class game.CardSuit
fromValue(int) - Static method in enum class game.CardValue
FULL - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants


game - package game
GAME - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
GAME_ID - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
GAME_MODE - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
GAME_TAG - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
game.service - package game.service
game.service.schema - package game.service.schema
game.utils - package game.utils
GameApi - Interface in game
GameCount - Class in game.service
GameCount() - Constructor for class game.service.GameCount
gameID() - Method in record class server.InGameUser
Returns the value of the gameID record component.
GameMode - Enum Class in game
GAMES - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
GAMES_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
GameSchema - Class in game
GameSchema() - Constructor for class game.GameSchema
GameSchema(String, CardSuit) - Constructor for class game.GameSchema
GameService - Class in game.service
The `GameService` class in Java manages game-related operations such as creating games, joining games, playing cards, and handling game state.
GameService(Vertx) - Constructor for class game.service.GameService
GameService(Vertx, AbstractStatisticManager) - Constructor for class game.service.GameService
GameService(Vertx, AbstractStatisticManager, WebSocketVertx) - Constructor for class game.service.GameService
GameServiceDecorator - Class in game.service
This class is a decorator for a game service.
GameServiceDecorator(Vertx, AbstractStatisticManager, WebSocketVertx) - Constructor for class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
GameVerticle - Class in game
This class models a game using a Verticle from vertx.
GameVerticle(UUID, User, int, int, GameMode, String) - Constructor for class game.GameVerticle
GameVerticle(UUID, User, int, int, GameMode, AbstractStatisticManager, WebSocketVertx) - Constructor for class game.GameVerticle
generateOpenApiSpecFromRouter(Router, String, String, String) - Static method in class generator.OpenApiSpecGenerator
generator - package generator
GET_PLAYER_CARD_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
GET_PLAYERS - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
GET_TOTAL_GAMES - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
GET_TOTAL_GAMES_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
getActiveUsers() - Method in class server.WebSocketVertx
getCall() - Method in interface game.Trick
getCall() - Method in class game.TrickImpl
getCards() - Method in interface game.Trick
getCards() - Method in class game.TrickImpl
getCardsAndUsers() - Method in interface game.Trick
getCardsAndUsers() - Method in class game.TrickImpl
getCardValue() - Method in record class game.Card
getClassesInPackage(String) - Method in class httpRest.RouterConfig
getCountGames(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
getCurrentState() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getCurrentTrick() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getDate() - Method in class game.GameSchema
getEmail() - Method in class userModule.schema.UserRegisterSchema
getExpectedScore() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getExpectedScore() - Method in class game.service.schema.CreateGameBody
getGame(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
GETGAME - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
getGameID() - Method in class game.GameSchema
getGameID() - Method in class game.service.schema.ChangeTeamBody
getGameID() - Method in class game.service.schema.JoinGameBody
getGameID() - Method in class game.service.schema.NewGameBody
getGameID() - Method in class game.service.schema.PasswordBody
getGameID() - Method in class game.service.schema.RemoveUserBody
getGameID() - Method in class game.service.schema.StartBody
getGameMode() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getGames() - Method in class game.service.GameService
getGames() - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
getGames(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
getGameSchema() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getGamesCompleted() - Method in class repository.AbstractStatisticManager
getGamesCompleted() - Method in class repository.MongoStatisticManager
GetGamesResponse - Class in game.service.schema
GetGamesResponse() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.GetGamesResponse
getGUIID() - Method in class game.service.schema.CreateGameBody
getGUIID() - Method in class game.service.schema.JoinGameBody
getHandler() - Method in interface httpRest.IRouteResponse
getHandler() - Method in class httpRest.RouteResponse
getHost() - Method in class server.AbstractRestAPI
getId() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getInitialTurn() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getIsSuitFinished() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getJsonGames() - Method in class game.service.GameService
getLatestTrick() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getMaraffa(int[], int, int, int) - Method in class BLManagment.BusinessLogicController
This Java method asynchronously sends a POST request with a JSON object to a specified endpoint and returns a CompletableFuture containing the response JsonObject or an error message.
getMaxNumberOfPlayers() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getMethod() - Method in interface httpRest.IRouteResponse
getMethod() - Method in class httpRest.RouteResponse
getName(String) - Static method in enum class game.CardSuit
getName(String) - Static method in enum class game.CardValue
getNickname() - Method in class userModule.schema.UserLoginSchema
getNumberOfPlayers() - Method in class game.service.schema.CreateGameBody
getNumberOfPlayers() - Method in class game.TrickImpl
getNumberOfPlayersIn() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getPassword() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getPassword() - Method in class game.service.schema.CreateGameBody
getPassword() - Method in class game.service.schema.JoinGameBody
getPassword() - Method in class game.service.schema.PasswordBody
getPassword() - Method in class userModule.schema.UserLoginSchema
getPlayerCard(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
getPlayers() - Method in class game.service.GameService
getPlayers(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
getPort() - Method in class server.AbstractRestAPI
getPositionByUsername(String) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getRecord(String) - Method in class repository.MongoStatisticManager
getRoute() - Method in interface httpRest.IRouteResponse
getRoute() - Method in class httpRest.RouteResponse
getRoutes() - Method in class httpRest.Controller
getRoutes() - Method in interface httpRest.IController
getShuffledDeck(UUID, Integer) - Method in class BLManagment.BusinessLogicController
getState(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
getState(UUID) - Method in class game.service.GameService
getStates() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getStatus() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getTeam() - Method in class game.service.schema.ChangeTeamBody
getTricks() - Method in class game.GameSchema
getTricks() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getTrump() - Method in class game.GameSchema
getTrump() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getTrump() - Method in class game.TrickImpl
getTurn() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getUserCards(String) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getUserInfo(String) - Method in class userModule.UserService
getUsername() - Method in class game.service.schema.ChangeTeamBody
getUsername() - Method in class game.service.schema.CreateGameBody
getUsername() - Method in class game.service.schema.JoinGameBody
getUsername() - Method in class game.service.schema.RemoveUserBody
getUsers() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
getValue() - Method in enum class game.CardSuit
getValue() - Method in enum class game.CardValue
getX() - Method in class game.utils.Pair
getY() - Method in class game.utils.Pair
guest() - Method in record class game.service.User
Returns the value of the guest record component.
GUEST - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
GUIID - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants


handleWebSocket(ServerWebSocket) - Method in class server.WebSocketVertx
handOutCards(List<Integer>) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
hashCode() - Method in class chatModule.schema.ChatMessageBody
hashCode() - Method in class chatModule.schema.NotificationBody
hashCode() - Method in record class game.Card
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class game.service.GameCount
hashCode() - Method in class game.service.schema.CanStartResponse
hashCode() - Method in class game.service.schema.ChangeTeamBody
hashCode() - Method in class game.service.schema.ChooseTrumpBody
hashCode() - Method in class game.service.schema.CreateGameBody
hashCode() - Method in class game.service.schema.IsRoundEndedResponse
hashCode() - Method in class game.service.schema.JoinGameBody
hashCode() - Method in class game.service.schema.NewGameBody
hashCode() - Method in class game.service.schema.PasswordBody
hashCode() - Method in class game.service.schema.PlayCardBody
hashCode() - Method in class game.service.schema.RemoveUserBody
hashCode() - Method in class game.service.schema.StartBody
hashCode() - Method in class game.service.schema.StateResponse
hashCode() - Method in record class game.service.User
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class game.Team
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class game.utils.Pair
hashCode() - Method in record class server.InGameUser
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class userModule.schema.UserLoginSchema
hashCode() - Method in class userModule.schema.UserRegisterSchema
HORSE - Enum constant in enum class game.CardValue
httpRest - package httpRest


IController - Interface in httpRest
IGameAgent - Interface in game
ILLEGAL_TRUMP - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
incrementCurrentState(String...) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
increment the current state
InGameUser - Record Class in server
InGameUser(User, UUID) - Constructor for record class server.InGameUser
Creates an instance of a InGameUser record class.
INVALID - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
IRouteResponse - Interface in httpRest
IS_SUIT_FINISHED - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
isCompleted() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
isCompleted() - Method in interface game.Trick
check if the trick is completed
isCompleted() - Method in class game.TrickImpl
isGameEnded() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
isGameEnded(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
isGameEnded(UUID) - Method in class game.service.GameService
isNewGameCreated() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
isRoundEnded() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
IsRoundEndedResponse - Class in game.service.schema
IsRoundEndedResponse() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.IsRoundEndedResponse
isUserIn(String) - Method in class game.GameVerticle


JOIN_ATTR - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
JOIN_GAME - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
JOIN_GAME_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
joinGame(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
joinGame(String, int) - Method in interface game.GameApi
the username join the specif game
joinGame(UUID, User, String) - Method in class game.service.GameService
JoinGameBody - Class in game.service.schema
JoinGameBody() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.JoinGameBody


KING - Enum constant in enum class game.CardValue
KNAVE - Enum constant in enum class game.CardValue


loginRoute(RoutingContext) - Method in class userModule.UserController
loginUser(String, String) - Method in class userModule.UserService
logoutRoute(RoutingContext) - Method in class userModule.UserController
logOutUser(String) - Method in class userModule.UserService


main(String[]) - Static method in class server.Main
Main - Class in server
Main() - Constructor for class server.Main
MAKE_CALL - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
MAKE_CALL_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
makeCall(Call, String) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
makeCall(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
makeCall(UUID, String, String) - Method in class game.service.GameService
MakeCallBody - Class in game.service.schema
MakeCallBody() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.MakeCallBody
MARAFFA_SCORE - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
MESSAGE - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
messageReceived(RoutingContext) - Method in class chatModule.ChatController
messageReceived(String, String, UUID, String) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
messageReceived(String, Optional<UUID>, String, String) - Method in class chatModule.ChatService
MongoStatisticManager - Class in repository
MongoStatisticManager(String, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class repository.MongoStatisticManager


nameOfTeam() - Method in record class game.Team
Returns the value of the nameOfTeam record component.
NEW_GAME - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
NEW_GAME_CREATION - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
NEW_GAME_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
newGame(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
newGame(UUID) - Method in class game.service.GameService
NewGameBody - Class in game.service.schema
NewGameBody() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.NewGameBody
NONE - Enum constant in enum class game.Call
NONE - Enum constant in enum class game.CardSuit
NONE - Enum constant in enum class game.CardValue
NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
NotificationBody - Class in chatModule.schema
This class likely represents the body content of a notification in a Java application.
NotificationBody() - Constructor for class chatModule.schema.NotificationBody
notificationReceived(RoutingContext) - Method in class chatModule.ChatController
notificationReceived(String, Optional<UUID>) - Method in class chatModule.ChatService
NUMBER_OF_CARDS - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants


onChangeTeam() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onChangeTeam() - Method in interface game.IGameAgent
onCheckMaraffa(int, int, int, String) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onCheckMaraffa(int, int, int, String) - Method in interface game.IGameAgent
onCreateGame(User) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onCreateGame(User) - Method in interface game.IGameAgent
ONE - Enum constant in enum class game.CardValue
onEndGame() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onEndGame() - Method in interface game.IGameAgent
onEndRound() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onEndRound() - Method in interface game.IGameAgent
onExitGame() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onJoinGame(User) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onJoinGame(User) - Method in interface game.IGameAgent
onMakeCall(Call) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onMakeCall(Call) - Method in interface game.IGameAgent
onMessage() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onMessage() - Method in interface game.IGameAgent
onNewGame(String) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onNewGame(String) - Method in interface game.IGameAgent
onNewRound() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onNewRound() - Method in interface game.IGameAgent
onPlayCard() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onPlayCard() - Method in interface game.IGameAgent
onRemoveUser() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onRemoveUser() - Method in interface game.IGameAgent
onStartGame() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onStartGame() - Method in interface game.IGameAgent
onTrickCompleted(Trick) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
onTrickCompleted(Trick) - Method in interface game.IGameAgent
OpenApiRoutePublisher - Class in generator
OpenApiSpecGenerator - Class in generator


Pair<X,Y> - Class in game.utils
Pair(X, Y) - Constructor for class game.utils.Pair
PASSOWRD_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
PASSWORD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
PasswordBody - Class in game.service.schema
PasswordBody() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.PasswordBody
PLAY - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
PLAY_CARD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
PLAY_CARD_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
playCard(int, Card<CardValue, CardSuit>, String) - Method in interface game.GameApi
the username played a card
playCard(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
playCard(UUID, String, Card<CardValue, CardSuit>, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class game.service.GameService
PlayCardBody - Class in game.service.schema
PlayCardBody() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.PlayCardBody
PLAYER_CARDS - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
players() - Method in record class game.Team
Returns the value of the players record component.
PLAYERS_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
PLAYING - Enum constant in enum class game.Status
POSITION - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
publishOpenApiSpec(Router, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class generator.OpenApiRoutePublisher


registerRoute(RoutingContext) - Method in class userModule.UserController
registerUser(String, String, String) - Method in class userModule.UserService
REMOVE_USER - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
REMOVE_USER_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
removeUser(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
removeUser(String) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
removeUser(UUID, String) - Method in class game.service.GameService
RemoveUserBody - Class in game.service.schema
RemoveUserBody() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.RemoveUserBody
repository - package repository
Required - Annotation Interface in generator
resetPasswordRoute(RoutingContext) - Method in class userModule.UserController
resetUserPassword(String, String) - Method in class userModule.UserService
RESULT - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
ROUND_TAG - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
RouterConfig - Class in httpRest
RouterConfig(int, GameServiceDecorator, UserController, ChatController) - Constructor for class httpRest.RouterConfig
RouteResponse - Class in httpRest
RouteResponse(HttpMethod, String, Handler<RoutingContext>) - Constructor for class httpRest.RouteResponse


score() - Method in record class game.Team
Returns the value of the score record component.
sendMessageToClientWithRetry(UUID, String, int, int) - Method in class server.WebSocketVertx
server - package server
SET_PASSWORD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
setCall(Call, String) - Method in interface game.Trick
setCall(Call, String) - Method in class game.TrickImpl
setCurrentState(int) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
setCurrentTrick(Trick) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
setDate(Date) - Method in class game.GameSchema
setEmail(String) - Method in class userModule.schema.UserRegisterSchema
setExpectedScore(Integer) - Method in class game.service.schema.CreateGameBody
setGameID(String) - Method in class game.GameSchema
setGameID(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.ChangeTeamBody
setGameID(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.JoinGameBody
setGameID(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.NewGameBody
setGameID(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.PasswordBody
setGameID(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.RemoveUserBody
setGameID(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.StartBody
setGUIID(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.CreateGameBody
setGUIID(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.JoinGameBody
setInitialTurn(int) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
setIsSuitFinished(Boolean, String, Boolean) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
setNewGameCreated() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
set the flag newGameCreated to true
setNickname(String) - Method in class userModule.schema.UserLoginSchema
setNumberOfPlayers(Integer) - Method in class game.service.schema.CreateGameBody
setPassword(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
setPassword(String) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
setPassword(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.CreateGameBody
setPassword(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.JoinGameBody
setPassword(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.PasswordBody
setPassword(String) - Method in class userModule.schema.UserLoginSchema
setPassword(UUID, String) - Method in class game.service.GameService
setScore(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
update the score of the teams
setScoreAfterMistake(int, boolean) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
setTeam(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.ChangeTeamBody
setTrump(CardSuit) - Method in class game.GameSchema
setTurn(int) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
setTurnWithUser(String) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
setUsername(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.ChangeTeamBody
setUsername(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.CreateGameBody
setUsername(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.JoinGameBody
setUsername(String) - Method in class game.service.schema.RemoveUserBody
SEVEN - Enum constant in enum class game.CardValue
SIX - Enum constant in enum class game.CardValue
start() - Method in class server.AppServer
start(Promise<Void>) - Method in class game.GameVerticle
It starts the verticle
START_ATTR - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
START_GAME - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
START_GAME_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
START_NEW_ROUND - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
START_NEW_ROUND_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
StartBody - Class in game.service.schema
StartBody() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.StartBody
startGame() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
startGame(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
startGame(UUID) - Method in class game.service.GameService
STARTING - Enum constant in enum class game.Status
startNewRound() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
reset the trump
startNewRound(int) - Method in interface game.GameApi
startNewRound(RoutingContext) - Method in class game.service.GameServiceDecorator
startNewRound(UUID) - Method in class game.service.GameService
startRound() - Method in class BLManagment.BusinessLogicController
STATE - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
STATE_METHOD - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
StateResponse - Class in game.service.schema
StateResponse() - Constructor for class game.service.schema.StateResponse
Status - Enum Class in game
STATUS - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
STRISCIO_CORTO - Enum constant in enum class game.Call
STRISCIO_LUNGO - Enum constant in enum class game.Call
SUIT - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
SWORDS - Enum constant in enum class game.CardSuit


Team - Record Class in game
A record modelling the concept of "team"
Team(List<User>, String, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for record class game.Team
Creates an instance of a Team record class.
TEAM - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
THREE - Enum constant in enum class game.CardValue
toJson() - Method in class game.GameVerticle
toString() - Method in record class game.Card
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class game.GameSchema
toString() - Method in record class game.service.User
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class game.Team
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class game.TrickImpl
toString() - Method in class game.utils.Pair
toString() - Method in record class server.InGameUser
Returns a string representation of this record class.
TOTAL - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
Trick - Interface in game
TRICK - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
trickCompleted() - Method in class BLManagment.BusinessLogicController
perform all the actions the system needs to do when a trick is completed.
TrickImpl - Class in game
TrickImpl(int, CardSuit) - Constructor for class game.TrickImpl
TRUMP - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
TURN - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
TWO - Enum constant in enum class game.CardValue


updateRecordWithTrick(String, Trick) - Method in class repository.AbstractStatisticManager
updateRecordWithTrick(String, Trick) - Method in class repository.MongoStatisticManager
updateSuit(GameSchema) - Method in class repository.AbstractStatisticManager
updateSuit(GameSchema) - Method in class repository.MongoStatisticManager
user() - Method in record class server.InGameUser
Returns the value of the user record component.
User - Record Class in game.service
User(String, UUID, boolean) - Constructor for record class game.service.User
Creates an instance of a User record class.
UserController - Class in userModule
The UserController class is used for managing user operations through its APIs.
UserController(Vertx) - Constructor for class userModule.UserController
UserLoginSchema - Class in userModule.schema
UserLoginSchema() - Constructor for class userModule.schema.UserLoginSchema
userModule - package userModule
userModule.schema - package userModule.schema
username() - Method in record class game.service.User
Returns the value of the username record component.
USERNAME - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
UserRegisterSchema - Class in userModule.schema
UserRegisterSchema() - Constructor for class userModule.schema.UserRegisterSchema
UserService - Class in userModule
The UserService class extends AbstractRestAPI and utilizes the Vertx framework
UserService(Vertx, String, Integer) - Constructor for class userModule.UserService


validatePlayCard(int[], int, int[], boolean) - Method in class BLManagment.BusinessLogicController
value - Variable in enum class game.CardSuit
value - Variable in enum class game.CardValue
value() - Element in annotation interface generator.VertxPath
VALUE - Static variable in class game.utils.Constants
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class game.Call
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class game.CardSuit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class game.CardValue
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class game.GameMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class game.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class game.Call
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class game.CardSuit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class game.CardValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class game.GameMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class game.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VertxPath - Annotation Interface in generator
VOLO - Enum constant in enum class game.Call


WAITING_PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum class game.Status
WebSocketVertx - Class in server
WebSocketVertx(Vertx) - Constructor for class server.WebSocketVertx
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